Everything You Need To Know About Same-Day Dentures

Dr. Ghaith Kiblawi Dentist Cambridge, Ontario

Dr. Kiblawi earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2011 and later pursued a Master’s degree in Pedodontics in 2015, both from Damascus University. Additionally, he obtained his certificate of qualification from the National Dental Examining Board of Canada. As a dedicated dentist, Dr. Kiblawi is passionate about... more

Same-day dentures, or immediate dentures, have emerged as a groundbreaking solution for individuals facing dental challenges, offering the prospect of restoring smiles in a single day. This comprehensive guide delves into every aspect of same-day dentures, from the procedural details to aftercare practices and the transformative benefits they bring.

Understanding Same-Day Dentures

Same-day dentures also referred to as immediate dentures, are prosthetic teeth that can be placed in the mouth on the same day as the extraction of any remaining natural teeth. This innovative approach allows patients to leave the dentist’s office with replacement teeth on the day of the extractions, eliminating the need to endure a temporary period without teeth while waiting for traditional dentures.

The process begins with the dentist taking impressions and measurements before extracting any teeth. These impressions help in the creation of dentures while the extractions are being performed. After removing the remaining teeth, the pre-made dentures are fitted into the patient's mouth, with minor adjustments made as necessary to ensure a proper fit.

Patients may receive either full or partial same-day dentures depending on the number of natural teeth extracted. It is crucial to allow the gums to heal properly before achieving an ideal fit, and patients are advised to follow any special care instructions provided by their dentist.

The Procedure: How Same-Day Dentures Work

1. Consultation and Assessment:

The process begins with a detailed consultation where the dentist conducts an extensive oral examination, assessing the health of the gums and remaining teeth. X-rays may be taken to evaluate bone structure, and the patient's medical history, medications, and dental treatment goals are reviewed. Based on this assessment, the dentist determines whether same-day dentures are suitable or if conventional dentures after healing may be a better option.

2. Tooth Extraction:

If deemed appropriate, the next step involves tooth extraction. X-rays and a comprehensive oral exam help in planning the extractions, ensuring a smooth transition to same-day dentures.

3. Impressions and Measurements:

Precise impressions of the gums and any remaining teeth are taken to create an accurate model for crafting custom dentures. Measurements of the jaws, bite alignment, palate shape, and facial features are also recorded. These measurements are crucial for fabricating well-fitted same-day dentures, and they are taken before the extractions.

4. Temporary Denture Placement:

Once the same-day dentures are ready, the dentist inserts and fits them immediately after completing the extractions. While these dentures are considered temporary, they prevent the patient from experiencing a toothless phase during the initial healing period. Adjustments or even remaking the dentures may be necessary as the gums shrink during the healing process.

Advantages of Same-Day Dentures

1. Immediate Aesthetics:

Same-day dentures provide an instant improvement in the appearance of the smile. The immediate placement of a complete set of teeth helps avoid a temporarily edentulous look, boosting self-confidence.

2. Preserving Facial Structure:

Prompt placement of same-day dentures helps maintain the natural shape of the face by preventing the bone loss that occurs over time after extractions. This preservation of facial structure prevents sunken cheeks, wrinkles, and muscle collapse, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

3. Functional Transition:

While it takes time for the mouth to adjust to new dentures, same-day dentures allow for an immediate functional transition. Patients can start re-learning how to eat, chew, and speak with prosthetic teeth right away, aiding in long-term adaptation and success.

Post-Procedure Care and Tips

1. Follow Dentist’s Instructions:

Patients are advised to closely follow post-procedure instructions, including taking prescribed medications, adhering to dietary restrictions during the initial healing phase, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and avoiding activities that could disrupt healing.

2. Regular Check-Ups:

Regular follow-up appointments with the dentist are essential for the first few months to monitor gum healing, evaluate denture fit and comfort, and make any necessary adjustments as the gums shrink. Addressing concerns promptly is crucial for optimal denture success.

3. Maintain Oral Hygiene:

Thorough oral hygiene practices, including regular cleaning and soaking of dentures, are crucial to prevent infection and irritation. Following the dentist’s home care recommendations is essential for maintaining the longevity of same-day dentures and overall oral health.

Potential Challenges and Considerations:

It is normal to experience an adjustment period as one gets used to the feel of the dentures. Patience is key during this phase, and adjustments may be necessary due to changes in oral structure during the healing process. While same-day dentures offer immediate benefits, it's important to note that they may come with a higher initial cost compared to traditional dentures. Discussing financial options with the dentist is advisable.


In summary, same-day dentures offer a transformative solution for individuals in Cambridge seeking immediate relief from the challenges of missing teeth. This comprehensive guide has explored the procedural intricacies, aftercare essentials, and the numerous benefits of same-day dentures. For those in Cambridge considering such transformative dental solutions, consulting with Dentistry on Dundas, your trusted dentist in Cambridge, can help determine if this rapid smile restoration option is the right fit. Embrace the journey to a confident smile with the guidance of experienced dental professionals.