Navigating Dental Anxiety

Shelbey Arevalo Medical Management Roseville, CA

Shelbey Arevalo is a seasoned dental billing consultant dedicated to revolutionizing the dental healthcare industry. With over 14 years of experience and a relentless commitment to excellence, Shelbey has become a trusted expert in navigating the complexities of dental billing and insurance. As the founder of Arevalo... more

National Anxiety and Stress Awareness Month: Navigating Dental Anxiety

April marks National Anxiety and Stress Awareness Month, shedding light on the mental health challenges that many individuals face daily. While stress and anxiety can manifest in various aspects of life, one often overlooked area is dental care. Dental anxiety, a common phenomenon affecting millions worldwide, can significantly impact individuals' oral health and overall well-being.

Understanding Dental Anxiety: Dental anxiety refers to feelings of fear, apprehension, or nervousness related to dental visits and procedures. This anxiety can stem from various factors, including fear of pain, past traumatic experiences, embarrassment about oral health, or simply feeling out of control in the dental chair. Left unaddressed, dental anxiety can lead to avoidance of dental care, resulting in deteriorating oral health and exacerbating existing dental issues.

The Impact on Oral Health: Dental anxiety can have detrimental effects on oral health, as individuals may postpone or avoid routine dental visits and necessary treatments. Neglecting dental care can lead to the development of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss, ultimately compromising oral health and quality of life. Additionally, chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to conditions like bruxism (teeth grinding) and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), further exacerbating oral health issues.

Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Fortunately, there are strategies to help individuals manage and overcome dental anxiety, allowing them to receive the care they need without undue stress. Some tips for coping with dental anxiety include:

  1. Open Communication: Discuss your fears and concerns with your dentist or dental team. Open communication can help alleviate anxiety and allow your dental provider to tailor the experience to your needs.
  2. Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or visualization to help calm your mind and body before and during dental appointments.
  3. Gradual Exposure: Gradually expose yourself to dental settings and procedures to desensitize yourself to anxiety-inducing stimuli. Start with short visits or non-invasive treatments and gradually progress as you become more comfortable.
  4. Sedation Options: Explore sedation options such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedatives, which can help relax anxious patients during dental procedures.
  5. Seek Support: Lean on friends, family, or support groups for encouragement and reassurance. Knowing that you're not alone in your anxiety can provide comfort and motivation to seek dental care.

The Role of the Patient Advocate Program: For individuals struggling with dental anxiety, the Patient Advocate Program is here to offer personalized support and guidance. With a dental advocate who understands the challenges associated with dental anxiety and is committed to helping individuals navigate their dental care journey with confidence and ease. From finding a supportive dentist to scheduling appointments and addressing insurance concerns, we're here to advocate for your oral health needs and provide the support you need to overcome dental anxiety.

This National Anxiety and Stress Awareness Month, prioritize your oral health and well-being by taking proactive steps to address dental anxiety. With the support of the Patient Advocate Program and the implementation of coping strategies, you can conquer your fears and achieve a healthy, confident smile. Don't let anxiety stand in the way of your dental health. Give us a call at 916.269.9899 or email for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.

Visit our Patient Advocate Program Website:

Here is an excellent article by the ADA going over Dental Anxiety : 3 Ways to Stop Fearing the Dentist PDF - Click on link