What To Do When You Get Positive COVID-19 Results

With the consistent rise of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States, it is not impossible that you can also acquire the infection.
As per the usual guidelines we see on the television or social media, you've been told to monitor signs and symptoms like colds, runny nose, dry cough, difficulty breathing, body weakness, fever, and headaches. The chances of getting the virus increase if you have a history of travel abroad, especially in countries that have a lot of COVID-19 cases. In addition, you also become at risk if you have had close or direct contact with infected people.
Two major types of COVID-19 testing (Real-Time – Polymerase Chain Reaction or RT-PCR and Antibody testing) have been made available to the public. Submitting to these diagnostic procedures will enable you to plan ahead and perhaps defend yourself from the virus.
What will you do if your result came out positive?
There are two kinds of people with COVID-19, those who have the abovementioned indicators and those who are asymptomatic. The care for patients will also be based on the severity of the symptoms. Not everyone needs hospitalization.
If you test positive and the doctor prescribed that you stay at home, here are some important rules to follow.
- Self-isolate. I know this might sound frustrating, especially to our fellow extroverts out there, but this is the best way for you to prevent the virus from spreading. As much as possible, stay at home. Only leave the house when it's necessary, like going to the hospital. And when you do leave the house, avoid using public transportation.
It is advisable that you should stay at least 6 feet away from other people, even at home.
- Recuperate. Just like when you have other illnesses, get some adequate sleep and rest. Eat nutritious foods. If you are having a fever, practice non-pharmacological interventions such as wearing the proper outfit (light and airy clothes) or even having a tepid-sponge bath. Be sure to drink lots of fluids, too.
Your physician would have given you certain prescriptions and instructions on how to manage your signs and symptoms. Make sure you track it continually. Follow the correct administration timing and dosage.
- Practice respiratory hygiene or cough etiquette. Wear a cloth that covers your face even when you are at home. A scarf, bandana, or any improvised mask will do. Medical grade protections are for health care workers. This protects your family members and pets from acquiring the disease. Be sure to fit it over your nose and mouth properly.
Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer, especially after blowing your nose. Practice hand hygiene before touching your face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth. In addition, make sure that you wash your hands before eating, and after you use the bathroom. Dispose of used tissues properly and immediately. As much as possible, have a separate trash bin for this.
Do not share personal items like eating paraphernalia, towels, or bedding.
- Observe your symptoms. Are you having persistent chest pains? Are you having difficulty breathing? Are you having cyanosis or bluish discoloration in your lips or face? If the answer to these questions is yes, please contact your physician or call 911 for emergencies. This should also be done if deterioration in the consciousness of the patient is observed.
Do not forget to inform the operator that you are a positive COVID-19 patient so that you can also protect the health of your medical response team. The aforementioned rules can potentially be somewhat challenging, but remember that this will benefit us all. These rules, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, can be stopped if the symptoms have improved, there has been no recorded fever for 3 days, and it has passed 7 days after your first symptoms appeared.
For a more valid confirmation, you should have tested negative for COViD-19 for 2 consecutive tests with 24-hour interval.
If you test positive and the doctor prescribed that you stay at home, here are some important rules to follow.