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Am I overdosing on vitamin D?

My multivitamin has 50 mcg of vitamin D, my C supplement (I'm diabetic and don't eat citrus) has 25 mcg of vitamin D and my calcium supplement (I'm lactose intolerant, don't drink milk) has 12.5 mcg of D. Am I overdosing on vitamin D?

Female | 68 years old
Medications: janumet, piaglitazone, spironilactone
Conditions: diabetes, NASH

8 Answers


I am an infectious disease doctor, but I also check vit D, which should be more than 30 at least; level of around 50 is better. Still, we need to take vit D as at least 800 mg/day and 2000 is probably preferable and you can always check your level.
That isn’t a huge amount, but you can have a level drawn to see if you are in normal range. For most healthy people, 50 mg is enough.

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Your intake of vitamin D is very modest. This dosage will not cause any problems.

Dr. Norwood
It is impossible to tell if someone has too much or too little or just enough vitamin D without checking vitamin D level on a blood test. You should ask your doctor to check this blood test to know for sure.
Hope this helps.

Dr. Marina Strizhevsky
You may very well be overdosing on Vit D.The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for a female at your age according to the NIH guidelines is15 mcg/day - you are significantly in excess of that.You should have your Vit D blood level evaluated by your physician as soon as possible, and he can make the  necessary adjustments. It would be advisable to have a kidney function evaluation as well.
Doses up to 125 mcg daily are generally considered safe.
No. The best way of telling for sure is to have a level checked. I recommend a level of 50-100ng/mL. I suspect your level will be in this range on your dose of 87.5 mcg daily.
The level is less than the vitamin D dose administered for deficiency under most circumstances. Ask your doc to check your vitamin D level with your next blood draw.