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Can I eat normal food after gallbladder surgery?

I had gallbladder surgery 3 days ago. I want to know if I can eat normal food after gallbladder surgery?

6 Answers

After gallbladder surgery, you may become intolerant to certain foods. The most common food intolerance associated is dairy. Other foods that may cause intolerance may include fatty foods and greasy foods. It would be advisable to keep a log of what foods to avoid.
yes you can
I would recommend avoiding greasy and fried foods. The gallbladder contained concentrated bile, made for digesting fats. The bile is made in the liver, however, and after removal of the gallbladder, it will take over, and provide your intestine with all the bile it needs to digest fats. This takes time, however, usually 3-6 weeks. In that time, eating greasy, fatty or fried foods may induce diarrhea.
Organic green Mediterranean diet.
I typically recommend avoiding fatty, greasy, and oily foods immediately after surgery. Occasionally, patients will also say they have some discomfort with dairy foods. These symptoms almost always resolve after you recover.