Surgeon Questions surgeon

Can I push to poop after hernia surgery?

I had a hernia repair 4 days ago. I want to know if I can push to poop after hernia surgery?

3 Answers

I would take a stool softener twice a day and use miralax daily. You want to avoid straining because it will increase pressure on your hernia repair and could cause a recurrence.

Dr. Finley
Nope. Start Magnesium citrate 800 mg-1,200 mg softgel daily and Vitamin D 40,000 - 50,000 IU softgel weekly.
You want to avoid straining after surgery. This increases the pressure in your abdomen, and potentially could put you at risk of a recurrence of your hernia. If you are having difficulty having a bowel movement, you can take stool softeners or laxatives.