Dental Hygienist Questions Invisalign

Can Invisalign fix big gaps between teeth?

I have big gaps between my teeth. Can Invisalign fix big gaps between teeth?

9 Answers

Invisalign can effectively close bite spaces after a thorough diagnosis and treatment planning, especially in the presence of healthy bone and gingival tissues. The custom-made aligners exert gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them together to close the spaces. With proper assessment and planning done by an orthodontist, who is the expert on the treatment, Invisalign can achieve desired results while preserving the overall health of the bone and gingival tissues.
Yes that's what they were designed for. The issue would be if you have a muscle causing the spacing. If that's the case a simple frenectomy will take care of the cause so it doesn't happen again. Also wear the retainers for ever. (Just at night )
Simply put, yes! I have a patient whose gap was the size of another tooth. I closed it. You need a DDS who knows what he/she is doing in order to do most Invisalign cases.
Yes! Invisalign can fix and close big gaps between teeth. Invisalign clear aligners has advance technology and can be use in any particular case
Invisalign is capable of fixing big gaps. However, an answer to your question can only be determined after a thorough exam/evaluation.
Absolutely! The technology that Invisalign uses have made huge advances in the last few years, making tooth movements that used to be impossible with aligners, manageable and effective. The best person that could utilize this technology and understand the biomechanics related to tooth movement, therefore, construct and engineer the Invisalign aligners that can give you the best results is a board certified orthodontist. Please feel free to schedule a consultation with your local board certified orthodontist to inquire if Invisalign aligners could fix your gabs and improve your smile and bite.
Yes, absolutely. Invisalign is even better and faster at closing gaps compared to traditional braces.
Visit my website and come in for a free consultation for you and your family including x-rays.
It all depends on the individual case. For the most part, many gaps could be closed or almost closed with Invisalign. If they are not fully closed by the time the Invisalign treatment is finished, you could completely close the remaining gaps with bondings and/or porcelain veneers. If you attempt to close the big gaps with bonding and veneers alone, bypassing the Invisalign treatment, those teeth will look too wide and aesthetically unpleasant. Invisalign will help narrow those large gaps significantly enough so that the complete closure afterwards will look much more natural and a lot better.
Depending on severity of the gaps, it is really a case by case basis that can be assessed by ortho or a general dentist.

Dr.Caroline / Your Dental Spa