“Can a chiropractor adjust your sinuses?”
I am a 39 year old male. I wonder if a chiropractor can adjust your sinuses?
15 Answers
Yes there are different ways to address sinus issues from Soft tissue manipulation to different types of acupuncture treatment
I'll say yes with some qualifications: There are techniques that treat the cranial bones that may have a more direct effect, like craniosacral and sacro-occipital technique. I have also used an activator adjusting tool to help relieve sinus pressure.
A chiropractor cannot adjust the sinuses in a traditional sense of the word. The force used to gentle tap the area above the sinus cavities can stimulate them to drain. This method plus an upper cervical adjustment can help the body regulate sinus function better.
There is a procedure for this, but not all chiropractors are trained, (or willing). After suffering a broken nose at age 14, I then suffered for 14 more years with chronic sinus congestion and breathing difficulty. I assumed I had developed allergies and was desperate. I had this procedure done ONCE (when I was being trained), and experienced so much relief and normal breathing, I almost couldn't believe it. Some call it Nasal Specific Technique, some medical doctors are now doing it here in LA and call it Rhinoplasty. It involves expanding an inflatable "balloon" in order to re-align cartilage and gently compress the mucous membranes... it is NOT pleasant, but for the relief I achieved, it was WELL worth the momentary discomfort.
All the Best.
All the Best.
Yes, but not in the way we adjust other bones/joints. With my patients, I will take an activator (low force adjusting tool) and use that over their sinuses. It helps knock things loose and gets them draining. I will also take my fingers and rub my fingers from their nose to the end of their cheek bones. That pressure seems to help bring a lot of relief as well.
Dr. Kortni
Dr. Kortni
Dr. Jane Bye
Chiropractors many times will do acupressure points to alleviate sinus pressure. Also, cranial work along with cervical adjusting and lymphatic massage can help sinuses to drain.
It depends on the training and the state laws. There is a technique called nasal specific technique that will help open and align sinuses.
It's not commonly practiced, but it is a well-established technique with very good results, for those it works for.
It's not really possible to adjust sinuses, but there are treatments that may help. A good history and examination should help uncover underlying causes of your discomfort.
Yes there is a bone called your sphenoid bone and we adjust it all the time which helps drain sinuses.
A Chiropractor who utilizes craniotherapy will be able to adjust your sinuses. SOT or Sacro-Occipital Technique practitioners will be able to perform these adjustments.