Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture help with bloating?

I am bloated and want to treat it. Can acupuncture help with bloating?

9 Answers

There have been no good scientific studies to prove this but acupuncture has been shown to help with a lot of different things including constipation, chronic pain, arthritis and headaches. If you have tried all of the other options to help with bloating then this might potentially help if you find a licensed expert who can perform acupuncture on you.
Yes. Acupuncture with herbs and sometimes massage could help you out with your GI problem, but it will take multiple sessions.
Yes, but acupuncture is not the only one treatment for bloating.
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No. I am not aware of any published data showing that acupuncture works better than placebo.
In my experience, bloating is caused by foods, especially gluten and dairy. You might try keeping a food diary and see what foods are followed by bloating.
Yes, acupuncture can help with bloating.
Usually, yes, acupuncture can be a good treatment for most digestive issues, and is very good for treating water retention. That being said, it's always worthwhile to visit your primary care provider to see if you can figure out what's causing the bloat.