Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Can general anesthesia cause issues with the lungs?

I will have surgery under general anesthesia. Can general anesthesia cause issues with the lungs?

3 Answers

That question is too broad and non-specific to provide any kind of meaningful answer. Please explain your concern, or re-word the question to address some specific area of concern. Is this question about a specific anesthesia agent, or is this question directed toward changes in lung physiology as it relates to anesthesia? Is this question related to one specific inhalation anesthesia agent, or to oxygen administration during anesthesia, or even to positive pressure ventilation, instead of anesthesia agents at all? Does this relate to someone with perfectly healthy lungs prior to anesthesia, or does it relate to someone with specific pre-existing lung problems? Quite honestly, the best answer for each individual, is to have a very open and honest discussion about any concerns with your anesthesiologist for your particular surgery prior to the time of anesthesia administration. J. Arthur Saus, M.D. FASA
If there is prior lung damage, yes.