“Can shoulder impingement be fixed with exercises?”
I have shoulder impingement. Can shoulder impingement be fixed with exercises?
4 Answers
Yes! shoulder impingement can often be improved or resolved with specific exercises, especially when combined with other treatment modalities. Shoulder impingment is caused by some muscles of the shoulder being too tight (mainly the pecs and the lats). Muscles that are too tight can be alleviated with stretching, or any type of soft-tissue therapy like massage. While there is another half of the equation where there are muscles that are weak (mainly the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder and rotator cuff). Targeted exercises can help strengthen the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers. This can improve shoulder stability and reduce the likelihood of impingement.
No, the shoulder joint is out of alignment. Exercise will not fix this issue, but chiropractic adjustments will.
It depends on how impinged you are but overall yes! I do it all the time at my. Office. Find yourself a good practitioner to take care of it.