Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you chew gum with a traditional dental bridge?

I have a traditional dental bridge for a missing canine with crowns on my premolar and front tooth. Can I chew gum?

22 Answers

Yes as long as it is permanently cemented
We recommend you avoid gum if you have a dental bridge. If your bridge is removable, gum can be sticky and hard to get out. It's best that chewing gum is avoided completely.
You can chew gum but there is a risk of loosening the bridge due to chewy and tacky nature of chewing gum.
I would not chew gum, I would use a mint instead.
Yes, you can chew chewing gum with traditional bridgework provided your bridge work is in good condition, and the gums around it are healthy. Although we do recommend sugarless, chewing gum always.
You might find that some chewing gum brands stick less to the bridgework, and that all depends on the type of materials that were used in creating your bridge. The most important thing is nothing real hard when biting on that bridge. Gumballs, hard candies are not recommended.
Having a dental bridge, does not prevent you from chewing gum, but it would be wise to stay away from hard or sticky candy, not only because they contain a lot of sugar, but they can put unnecessary stress on bridgework. If you do have to chew gum, you should minimize the frequency and choose one that is sugar-free and nonstick.
Chewing anything sticky is never an advisable thing with an artificial prosthesis. If you must chew gum I would try to chew on the other side as well as keep it to a minimum in order to reduce the chances of the bridge debonding.
Yes! you should be able to chew gum like you would with a normal tooth.
If you find that it gets stuck to the bridge, then you can chew on the other side
Yes if the cement is strong and the teeth are healthy otherwise and well maintained, chewing gum should be no problem. Those gummy bears though may be not the best idea for the bridge.
Yea you can if your dentist did not out any restrictions as sometimes if teeth underneath are short . I advise my patients to not eat chewy things on those crowns or bridges
Yes, it is completely safe to chew gum with a dental bridge. The only caveat is try and find a sugar free gum as traditional gum with sugar can cause recurrent decay around the bridge as well as your neighboring teeth.
Yes, you can occasionally chewing gum on bridge. But if its regularly then it may fell off.
Yes! You should be able to chew gum comfortably and without problem.
Yes, you can.
No problem whatsoever.
Yes you can chew gum with a bridge.

Dr. Totonchi
Yes you can ! Please try to keep the bridge clean ( special flosser).
Yes you can.
Yes it is possible
Careful tho not hard gum (also make sure it’s sugar free)
Although there’s a chance the crown/bridge fall out
Yes, dental bridges are strong enough for you to be able to chew gum.
You can chew gum with the traditional dental bridge. Remember to floss under the bridge to keep your bridge in good condition for many more gum chewing sessions