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Chest pain and congestion?

I get chest pain on the left side of my chest when I’m physical, I feel really tired and not very focused most of the time but that could also be from stress. The pain will come and go as I’m physical it’s not severe pain but it still bothers me and worries me. And I’ve had congestion for a while too for longer than a year. I constantly have to clear my throat all the time.

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Asthma

1 Answer

Chest pain with congestion could be many things. It could be pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, or grave things such as heart inflammation or congestive heart failure. You need to see your primary care doctor or a pulmonologist (lung doctor) as soon as possible so they can get a chest X-ray and other tests such as a CT.