Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist


I have very hard stools that build up. My system is sensitive and natural remedies.

Female | 72 years old
Complaint duration: Many years
Medications: Heart meds Gerd, thyroid, anxiety

3 Answers

OKAY, hard, constipated stool requires remedies. First, make sure your food intake has 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables with natural fiber. Best choices: apples, pears, peaches, prunes, tomatoes, broccoli, asparagus, onion, peppers, and whole-grain, high-fiber oatmeal. Minimize simple sugar foods: doughnuts, white bread, white rice, and potatoes. Minimize animal fats. Be sure you are drinking 8 cups of fluids per day. And be sure you are active: walking is fine. Then, it is helpful and appropriate to take Senna Capsules daily; take 2 each day; it is helpful to have a simple colon cleanse also: can do this with an over-the-counter colon agent.

Eat more fiber, prunes, kiwis. Use dulcolax, miralax, smooth move tea, etc.
Your constipation needs to be appropriately worked up by a gastroenterologist. At that time, better advice can be given regarding lifestyle modifications and possible medication.