Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Do I have PMDD or anxiety neurosis?

This is really long and I'm sorry, but I'm just scared it's something serious.

I'm a 14-year-old female, weigh 92 pounds, and have been having pain out of nowhere, I'm going to go through each day leading up to now and explain how I felt. Bare with me, maybe I'm just being overdramatic but I really am panicking.

Day 1- The first sign I noticed was a feeling of a hair being stuck on my tonsil, this was late at night so I decided maybe I should just sleep it off.

Day 2- Still felt the feeling of hair in my throat, had a panic attack later that night.

Day 3- Feeling still there, started to lose my appetite, felt a sharp pain in the breast area (only in left). The pain started for a second then went away for a second this happened for a while but then stopped completely, felt the pain again later that night.

Day 4- hair in tonsil finally went away, just had a slight sore throat. Had pain in the breast area continued to happen thrice in a day, didn't get worse or better. At one point I was just laying down and felt dizzy, felt like I was going to vomit, had shortness of breath, my muscles felt weak overall felt like I was going to pass out, my heart was beating fast but maybe it was just me panicking. I couldn't get any sleep that night, not because of pain, but because of fear of death.

Day 5- Sore throat was gone! Pain in the breast still continued. Again only on the left side, no pain was felt in the right breast. Felt nauseous and my body felt weak and didn't want to move from my bed. My nose felt congested and I had shallow breathing or felt like I was out of breath by doing the simplest things such as walking up the stairs. I had also noticed I started my period, I usually will be aware since I do get bloated before I start my period but this one was early, usually my period starts in the middle of each month but this one started at the beginning of the month with no warning sign, wasn't bloated or anything. Also side note, my period lasts about 8 days.

Day 6-7: Regular period symptoms, cramps, and all that. Pain in the breast went away. Had shallow breathing, Still felt a little dizzy but didn't feel like passing out. My weight dropped down to 82.

Day 8: Day 4 of period, halfway there! The back of my shoulder blade felt sore and hurt whenever I lifted or stretched my arm. Still felt pain in the red square area, still not worse or better. Leg muscles also felt a little sore. That night I had felt as I was drifting to sleep, all the air got knocked out of me in a second. I was still somewhat awake as this happened but was fully awoken by the panic. I didn't get any sleep this night either as fear of death arose.

Day 9- Symptoms the same as day 8, just without the sore muscles and had my appetite back.

Day 10-11: One day until period ends! Felt absolutely amazing! Breathing fine, had the best sleep (not being awoken by loss of breath), didn't feel sore or anything but now there was a new pain, still ONLY in the left breast. I had a few sharp pains and noticed a few slightly pink blemishes on that one spot, not sure if that's always been there or not, maybe it's just convenient placement.

Day 12: Period ends, Still feel pain just comes and goes, don't feel sore or nauseous but got the air knocked out of me again as I was about to fall asleep, got some sleep that night but prayed for the best.

Day 13: Pain in breast remains, feel fine other than that, let's hope I get some sleep tonight though. On a good note, I rose back up to 91 pounds.

Day 14: (present-day): Had some trouble sleeping again but I feel fine today, no pain or anything.

If you have any questions let me know, I'm just too nervous to ask my mom to take me to a doctor. I've had a lot of panic attacks about this as I have never felt this before, I'm scared of death a lot more than I used to be. Please help me out, I do have a small theory it might be PMDD but im not sure. I just pray it's not serious. Please, give me advice, or give me ideas on what will make this go away.

Also here are some things I have been diagnosed with:
-Panic disorder
-15-degree scoliosis

Female | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 14 days
Medications: None
Conditions: 15 degree scoliosis, IBS

6 Answers

probably PMDD
See this link ...,days%20after%20your%20period%20starts.
I am a gastroenterologist and your problems are not GI related, so I am not the right kind of doctor to address your concerns. It's okay to tell your mother and have her take you to a pediatrician. No sense in keeping it to yourself and making yourself more anxious.
You do seem to have anxiety disorder with panic attacks, and IBS goes hand in hand with it. However, you should also get the Covid test as it seems like your symptoms before the period were respiratory in nature and that illness in itself could have brought your period earlier than usual. Even though it is possible that you may be developing this, to diagnose PMDD, one would have to keep a close eye and establish a pattern. Nonetheless, you definitely need to be assessed by your doctor comprehensively.

Thank you for this query, although my observation of your writing leads me to believe you are much older than 14; example, the use of "thrice." Regardless, I am not a medical doctor qualified to provide a medical diagnosis especially without full examination, history, labs, etc. You will need to be brave, despite your fears, and ask your mother to seek medical attention for you promptly. You should see both a primary care physician and an OB/GYN. Some of your self reported symptoms sound like mild conditions of COVID? I believe it's in your best interest to insist on prompt medical attention.
You need to see a physician.