Dentist Questions Dentist

Do I need a root canal for a crown?

I will get a crown. Do I need a root canal for a crown?

7 Answers

No, you do not need a root canal for a crown. A root canal is needed if there is deep decay, a present abscess, or an undetermined tooth pain that could be caused by a fracture. You will need a crown though if your tooth required a root canal to protect it. Teeth that have had root canal treatment in time are susceptible to fracture.
Not always . If the decay is deep or the tooth gets symptoms then the dentist would recommend it .

With gratitude
Sheena Bhatia, DDS
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No, bit if you have a root canal, the majority of the time a crown is placed afterward.
No necessary
Not necessarily. Sometimes teeth that are crowned become too sensitive and require root canal, but usually not.
Studies show about 25% of teeth that get crowned at some point will require a root canal. One should have the tooth thoroughly pulp tested and evaluated prior to getting a crown to ensure that the pulp is currently healthy. If it is found to test abnormal then a root canal is likely indicated and should be done prior to getting the crown done.
Not necessarily. Sometimes it is possible to get a crown without needing a root canal.