Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Do crowns on front teeth last forever?

I got a crown on my front tooth. Do crowns on front teeth last forever?

4 Answers

They will usually last a very long time. But there are many variables As we age.
Crowns should last 10 years. They may last more or less depending on care, diet and other factors.
Forever is a big ask.  Insurance companies dont expect a crown to last forever and usually pay to replace crowns after 5 years.  If the patient is healthy and has a low decay rate we expect a crown to last a lot longer than 5 years.  A healthy patient, with low decay rate, no periodontal disease, good alignment and no grinding habit we expect a crown to last 10-15 years.  Most people replace crowns in the front of their mouth as gumline or to re-match the color of surrounding teeth to improve the esthetics.  Hope this helps. Dr. Mary SwiftDallas Laser
As much as we would like man-made products to last forever it unfortunately does not. A crown is man-made and has a lifespan. So a crown will eventually need to replaced. It is just a matter of maintenance and how well you maintain your oral health with brushing, flossing and your regular dental 6 months visits.