Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

Does abdominal pain indicate an intestinal issue?

I am a 49 year old female. I want to know does abdominal pain indicate an intestinal issue?

2 Answers

Most of the time the pain is usually reflecting problems in and around the area of pain. Now, there is pain radiation, meaning that even though the pain is reflected on one part of the body, can be felt distant to the problem area. Less serious causes of abdominal pain are constipation, irritable bowel disease, food allergies, lactose intolerance stomach virus and poisoning. There are three abdominal pains, and they are visceral, parietal, and referred. Contact your health care provider if your pain last longer than one week. Thank you.
Not necessarily. You would need to be examined and probably have blood work and X-rays done to determine the cause.

RB Thomas, MD