Psychologist Questions Psychological disorders

Does therapy help with obsessive thoughts?

I have OCD thoughts and want to treat them. Does therapy help with obsessive thoughts?

8 Answers

Absolutely, but find a therapist skilled in dealing with OCD. Usually use exposure and response prevention techniques and cognitive behavioral techniques. Medication treatment is of variable help -- from remarkably better to minimal effect. SSRI's such as Prozac, Luvox or Zoloft are first-line treatments.
Namaste,  Yes therapy does help with obsessive thoughts. 
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Hi, Thank you for your question. Yes, therapy can help with obsessive thoughts. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), an evidence-based practice that utilizes exposure hierarchies to address the compulsive behaviors used to neutralize anxiety that accompanies the obsessive thoughts, has been shown to be highly effective in treating OCD. I highly recommend you seek out some support from a mental health professional to guide you through the process. I hope this has been helpful! Best, Jenna Torres, PsyD Clinical Psychologist LifeStance Health
Hello! Yes, there are specific therapy methods that work well for that issue. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the type of treatment usually used, and many hospitals have outpatient clinics just for that therapy! You have lots of company! Do try it - nothing to lose! Peace, Dr. Marian Shapiro Licensed Pstchologist
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be really helpful with treating OCD thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral is challenging and changing our thoughts to help with changing our behaviors. Depending on the severity of the thoughts therapy and medication may be helpful utilized together.
Yes. Therapy helps! Psychological therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder is effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of OCD symptoms. The two main types of psychological therapy for OCD are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and a type of behavioral treatment called exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - This is easily one of the most effective therapies for obsessive thoughts as it specifically targets problematic thinking and provides actionable strategies to eliminate it. Lifestyle Changes - Sleep, exercise, and reducing day-to-day stressors can all help eliminate anxiety and obsessive thought patterns. I suggest you speak to your PCP about this matter and seek referrals.
Absolutely, it does. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the treatment of choice for OCD.
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