Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist


I was prescribed Eloquist over 10 years ago. Due to changes in health insurance I can no longer afford it. What is the worst that could happen if I discontinued taking it and switched back to plain aspirin?

Male | 71 years old
Medications: Eloquist
Conditions: COPD

1 Answer

Eliquis has been keeping your blood thin to prevent stroke and heart attack. If you are to be on this medication and you suddenly stop it, you could build up a clot and end up having a stroke or experiencing a heart attack. This medication is not meant to be stopped suddenly. They have discount cards or other medications that are cheaper if you need to change. I recommend telling your pharmacist you are unable to afford it and ask that they fax or call your doctor for a change. They will know which medications can be switched to and get you an answer from your physician without you having to make an appointment.