Dentist Questions Dentist

Excruciating pain and severe swelling after routine cleaning?

I had my routine dental cleaning two days ago and I’m experiencing excruciating pain and extreme swelling of my mouth and lips. I’ll give you some background info and lead up to where I at right now: I am 33 years old and I have veneers on my front 6 teeth - these are my second set of veneers because I had to get them as soon as I was 18 due to horrible discoloration I had since I was 5 years old (due to reflux and acid issues). I began to notice sensitivity on one of my front teeth (veneer) a week or so ago but we have discovered I grind my teeth at night so I’ve been wearing the night guard since the beginning of the year and I thought the sensitivity had something to do with the grinding.

I told my dentist about it at my cleaning visit and explained it wasn’t severe sensitivity so she agreed it was most likely the grinding and my new night guard I just bought. Everything looked fine, no cavities, etc. and I had the normal 6 month cleaning. I began feeling an increase in sensitivity and slight gum pain a few hours after my cleaning but I assumed it was just the normal slight discomfort that can happen after dentist visits. Over the following day, the sensitivity increased and tooth/gum pain began to get worse and worse. I called my dentist and she said for me to use act mouthwash and I should be back to normal in a week or so. Well, it is the morning of the third day after my cleaning and my mouth is “screaming” with pain.

The front tooth has so much more sensitivity and pain and my gums are killing me. I’ve taken over the counter pain relievers and they do nothing to help with my pain. The biggest change other than the increase in pain is that my mouth is swelling - my upper lip continues to get bigger and bigger and now I have horrible pain leading all the way up to my nose. I cannot eat or sleep due to the discomfort. My dentist is closed today so I don’t know where I can go - I don’t think urgent care centers can do anything for mouth/dental issues. But since it keeps worsening and I haven’t felt even the slightest amount of relief, I know I need to see or speak to a dentist. I have searched and found lots of home remedies on the internet but since I have cosmetic dental work, I don’t feel comfortable trying out different substances on my veneers. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with my mouth? Any feedback, comments, suggestions - anything is greatly appreciated.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Allegra, nexium and birth control
Conditions: Cosmetic dental work

2 Answers

Your marked enlargement of your upper lip is caused by localized blood vessel change, allowing sudden escape of an excessive amount of fluid into the tissue of your lip. We used to call this "Angioneurotic Edema" and is probably caused by you having sensitivity to the cleaning agents or gloves that the hygienist used. We've seen this with cinnamon flavoring, and with various cosmetics or food. The swelling usually doesn't last longer than a few days. It could be reduced by the administration of adrenalin, but ordinarily this is not necessary. They only time allergic type sensitivity is serious is when the swelling is in the area of the throat. (If swelling of the throat, requires visit to the ER.) You could try taking some Benadryl, but it will probably get better quickly by doing nothing. You should see what type of "Prophy paste" the hygienist used, and ask if she used Latex gloves (common to causing these symptoms).
Good luck, and sorry you're having to go through this.
Front teeth need to be X-rayed. Detail examination and evaluation is needed by a dentist. Maybe there is an abscess in one of your teeth. Antibiotics may be needed.