Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

How do you stop frequent urination with diabetes?

I am a 20 year old male. I want to know how do you stop frequent urination with diabetes?

7 Answers

You need to get your blood sugars under control. See your doctor for help.
Get your diabetes under control. Excessive urination and thirst is a sign your sugars are high.
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The urinary frequency in diabetes is usually due to elevated blood sugar. So successfully controlling the blood sugar(with insulin and/or oral medication) will usually normalize the frequency of urination.
Frequent Urination can be caused by numerous diseases, including poorly controlled or new onset diabetes. Meeting with your primary care provider to better investigate why you are having increased urination and to better control your diabetes are the first steps you should take.
The most common causes of frequent urination in diabetes is either poorly controlled Diabetes or Urinary tract infection( UTI). I would recommend having your urine checked for infection. If no infection, then work on improving your blood sugar control.

Navdeep Kaur, MD
You experience frequent urination when your blood sugar is above 200 because that is the renal threshold. If you keep your blood sugars in range, your kidneys can hold the urine and stop frequent urination.
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