Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you stop gums from hurting after flossing?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know how can I stop gums from hurting after flossing?

5 Answers

You may be flossing too hard, or not often enough. I like to use Glide Floss which slides easily between teeth and is less likely to cause trauma. I hope this helps!
If you just started flossing, then the gums will settle down after a few days of routine flossing. If you are a regular flosser, then you are probably digging into the gums too much. You want to slide the floss back and forth as it goes in between the teeth so you are not just popping it into the gums. Then you take the floss up and down the side of the tooth from the gums to where the teeth touch.
Gums typically shouldn't hurt after flossing if everything is healthy. If your gums are sore, there could be something wrong. Consistency with flossing is key and making sure it is done properly is also important. If flossing produces bleeding gums, either there is inflammation due to gingivitis or one could be flossing too hard. Be sure the technique is correct and check with a professional.

Hope this helps,
Jossi Stokes, DDS
Before that question can be answered we really need to know a little more of the why are your gums hurting when you floss. That is not a typical problem and could be indicative of an underlying issue. Healthy gums don't hurt with proper flossing so if your gums are healthy you may be flossing too harsh. If they are not healthy you need a dental exam by a dentist and treatment then the more you floss the better they will get and not hurt. Now for the immediate solution rinsing with warm salt water mix is anti bacterial and soothing for them. 1 teaspoon salt per 1/2 cup warm water is pretty close to what is termed in medicine normal saline and the best mix.
Floss can cut gum, inflame the gum, and cause pain. At your age, you don't need to floss; rather, brush after meals with toothbrush. Carrying a toothbrush and toothpaste is a nice way to keep the mouth in kissable condition.