Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

How long can you live with heart blockage?

I was diagnosed with a heart blockage. Is it serious? How long can you live with heart blockage?

1 Answer

The prognosis or outlook of a coronary artery narrowing depends on the severity of the narrowing, the location or amount of muscle in jeopardy, the severity of symptoms and cardiac pump function. If the blockage is less than 70% you will likely not have any symptoms. Mild blockages can result in heart attacks due to plaque rupture, in fact, 60% of all MI's are due to blockages less than 50%. It is important even if the blockages were mild and you have no symptoms to be on meds to prevent heart attacks (aspirin and statin) and control risk factors (smoking, diabetes, limit fat intake, maintain an ideal body weight, and control BP).