Dentist Questions Dentist

How long do mini implants last?

I am a 68 year old male. I want to know how long do mini implants last?

5 Answers

Mini implants don't have adequate long term prognosis. Therefore we do not recommend them as a long term option.
There isn’t a straight answer to this since it is largely dependent on the individual and their parafunctional habits. For example if you clench or grind your teeth, it is likely that the implant fails sooner. In someone that does not have parafunctional habits and proper care and maintenance, a mini implant could last a lifetime.
I'd be honest. Your better alternative would be just to invest in getting regular dental implants (no minis). The regular-sized implants will give you less problems and less potential "headaches" in the future.
Good question. Partly, it depends on several factors - what is it being used for? I don't trust them to support crowns ("caps") or bridges (cemented in.) In my opinion, they are not strong enough. I personally have no problem with them being used to support an overdenture. How is your hygiene? Just as you can lose teeth to perio disease (and poor oral hygiene), you can lose implants. How's the health? Some health conditions can influence the healing and retention of implants. Consult with whoever will be placing these.
Mini-implants will last until you leave the dentist's chair. There is never any guarantee as it is a system involving the implant, your immune and health systems, your oral health, and how sterile the implant was when placed. Some implants become "infected" and the tissue surrounding it becomes inflamed and periodontitis occurs that compromises the implant. On the other hand, an implant may last a life time. You get an implant to improve your oral health, eating ability, and to keep your jawbones from disappearing. If it lasts for ten years, you can say it was worth it. If you last for another ten years, you can say you are worth it. A friend of mine lived to the remarkable age of 110. He had a lot of dental work, but could still eat a steak until the day he died. Go figure.