Surgeon Questions surgeon

How long does a subtotal colectomy surgery take?

I will have a subtotal colectomy surgery. How long does a subtotal colectomy surgery take?

7 Answers

3-4 hours on average, but this depends on the technique and the pathology within the abdomen and colon. Best of luck and wishing you a speedy recovery.
This is a question for a surgeon. I am a gastroenterologist. I do not perform surgery.
That’s a question to ask your surgeon. Remember faster isn’t always better.
4 to 10 hours.
1.5-4 hours depending on technique (open vs. laparoscopic), indication, and any previous surgery.
Minimally invasive (robotic or laparoscopic) will take 2 to 4 hours. Open will take less. If it takes longer then I would be concerned.
About 2 1/2 hours open and about 4 hours laparoscopic or Robotic assisted.