Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long does it take to realign your neck?

I am a 17 year old male. I want to know how long does it take to realign your neck?

10 Answers

It depends on how out of alignment your neck is. If it is just one spinal bone in your neck that is out of alignment, then Chiropractic treatment should work quickly for re-alignment. Yet, if your entire neck is out of alignment, like a reversal of the normal forward curve in the neck, then it can take months to re-align that back to normal. This situation usually includes the patient doing daily Stretches too. At your age though, you Will respond a lot quicker than if you were older and had arthritis as a consequence of the misalignment for a longer period of time.
The answer to this varies just as much as human beings vary and our life choices also vary. I would recommend you have an examination from a reputable chiropractor in your area.
The amount of time to 100% realign your neck depends upon the severity of the problem. In the absence of injury or severe abnormality, relief can be ascertained after the first visit.
Hello, 17 year old male. How long it will take to "re-align" a neck all depends on what the cause of the problem is, to begin with. Usually, however long you have had the problem it takes that long to heal
and repair the problem. Based on the cycle of healing, It takes the body 90 days to complete a cycle. You got questions, I got answers!

*Dr. Elra A. Morgan*
*Chiropractor* | *American Chiropractic Medical Services (AMCS)*
W: 810-420-0801 | F: 810-420-0805
A: 621 Chartier Rd, Ste B, Marine City, MI 48039
Although you may get your neck adjustment/realigned, it is our improper daily body mechanics, along with degeneration, etc. that causes your spine to subluxate in areas. It's best to work on strengthening your muscles in your cervical spine during the rehabilitation phase of your chiropractic care.
Re-align your neck? In order to understand where your neck biomechanics currently are, you would need to get x-rays taken by a trained chiropractic physician that can properly analyze your spine and provide the needed therapy to correct your individualized pathology. The ideal cervical spine curve is 42 degrees. So based on level of degeneration and percentage loss of curve, the number of visits required can vary. Loss of curve and forward head posture directly affect the function of the somatic and autonomic nervous system, cranial nerves 5-12 and put you sympathetic system in a heightened state. To help you understand the concept of bio-physics of the spine take a look at There you can find a qualified doctor to help you establish a baseline of your spine and how many therapies it would take to improve it. With objective data analysis you have a starting point and can then make better decisions on what you would like to do with the information.
I'm happy someone of your age is concerned with the health of the neck, there are 3 phases of chiropractic care;
1 Relieving the acute problem
2 Rectifying the imbalance
3 Keeping your neck in as good a shape as you can throughout your life. That's called maintenance care. 
The amount of time it takes is really your whole life because things happen on many days that put you out of balance. Of course, you can help keep your neck aligned with good posture, appropriate exercise, and healthy diet and lifestyle habits. 
It depends on The age of the individual, the severity, their overall health, the cars, and the type of therapy employed. As long as the misalignments are not caused by fracture, an aggressive disease process like cancer or infection, and as long as there is not an internal or surgical fusion to the area, there are strategies that can be used to at least improve or enhance. Perfect alignment is very challenging and must be maintained throughout life, much like a retainer is employed after an orthodontist straightens teeth.
We typically use specific chiropractic spinal adjustments, and in-office physiotherapies such as muscle stem, diathermy, cervical traction, and intersegmental traction. At home, a person may need to use a specific type of neck pillow plus exercise plus monitor their posture and movement. It takes work to have the healthiest spine but it is definitely worth it if it promotes an active life with minimal to no pain or loss of function as you age.
That’s like asking how long does it take to straighten your teeth? | It is an individual process as well as patient compliance dependence. The best thing to do is first get a check-up to see what kind of needs you have.
A neck adjustment can take a few minutes to perform. But it has to be established through an examination to make sure it is warranted.