Dentist Questions Dentist

How often should dental implants be checked?

I am a 42 year old female. I want to know how often should dental implants be checked?

12 Answers

They should be checked with each dental cleaning. If you have any problems you should contact you dentist right away.
Dental exams and cleanings are recommended every six months for everyone with or without implants. The dentist will check the implants during your routine visit.
Your dental implants are part of your recare at your dental office. How often they are checked depends on the needed frequency of recare and on your overall dental health. If your dentist has not scheduled you for your next recare appointment, you should call and ask when you are due according to their records. 
Every time you have your annual or bi-annual check-up.
Dental implants should be monitored regularly to make sure the tissue around them is healthy and the bone surrounding them is stable. Depending on what the implant is supporting, crown or appliance, you certainly want to make sure the attachment of the abutment into the implant and the restoration to the abutments are all strong and well-connected. We typically see our implant patients quarterly. We clean the implant abutments and restorations, as well as the teeth. We want to make sure we maintain successful outcomes!
Every six months along with your bi-annual exam and cleaning.
As per the Canadian Dental Association it is recommended that you have a cleaning and checkup at least once every six months. At each checkup your dentist will examine your implant. Unless there is a specific cause for concern, every six months should be fine.
With your regular dental check up, twice a year
Your routine 6-month dental cleaning should be often enough, unless you feel like there is an issue.
Dental implants need to be cleaned just as natural teeth. So, at least every 6 months it is recommended that they are cleaned and evaluated by your dentist.
Dental implants should be checked at every regular cleaning appointment. If you have full dentures hooked to implants and don't have cleaning appointments, it is recommended to see the dentist at least once a year for an evaluation. Even though implants cannot get cavities, they can develop gum issues if not kept clean which can be detrimental to the implant.
Every six months, like your own teeth.