Addiction Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How to recover from 30 years of meth use?

I have been using meth for 30 years now but for the first time in my life, I want to go clean. I don't have to but I really really want this for myself. I'm a good guy, I don't steal, instead I work 40 hours a week the whole time. My question is can I explain that to a doctor and get some Adderall or something to help me for just a couple of months. 30 years is a long time.

Male | 51 years old

2 Answers

A conscientious doctor that really know about Substance Use Disorders MIGHT go along your request if there are no medical contraindications and you’re not dependent on other substances. My best advice is to seek help from a psychiatrist experienced in treating these substance use disorders. Glad to know you are a responsible worker!
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