Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenteorlogist

I can't go to the bathroom on my own?

I have bad gastrointestinal issues because of ehlers danlos - nothing has been diagnosed other than just constipation. I’ve been unable to pass stool without having to use my fingers (gloved, obviously) I feel too embarrassed to talk to my doctors about this and it’s gone on for years now, since around 2014. I’m afraid of what this is doing to my body but I can’t have BMs otherwise without using laxatives or apple juice to give myself diarrhea (they don’t work for me normally, nothing else has either) what do I do? I’m scared and I don’t know who to talk to about this.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 7 years
Medications: synthroid 75mg, prazosin 2mg, lamictal 100mg, stool softener (unknown dose), miralax
Conditions: hypermobilr ehlers danlos, hypothyroidism, autism & adhd, borderline personality disorder

2 Answers

You need a full evaluation for a possible defecation disorder. Find a GI doctor with knowledge of this problem and the testing that is usually done (anorectal manometry and defecogram). Often, a university setting is your best bet.
This seems like a problem with "outlet dysfunction." You need to see a gastroenterologist who does anorectal manometry. Please make an appointment with a gastroenterologist - not all of them do anorectal manometry.