Emergency Medicine Questions Emergency Physician

I swallowed plastic?

I was at a bar on Saturday night and accidentally swallowed a fake nail that my friends put in my drink (I know awful situation). It was about 3/4 an inch long. Now last night I woke up with bad stomach pains and now I can’t keep anything down. I’m super thirsty so I drink water but then 10 min later I throw it up. Am I okay?

Male | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days

5 Answers

Dial 911 and get routing to the closest good emergency department for imaging studies and possible gastroscopy
You should get an endoscopy and have it removed.
What you describe as having swallowed should not injure your intestinal tract and should pass out with the stool. You are probably having vomiting for some other reason, but if it continues then you need to be evaluated by a doctor.
This may be very serious.
If it were me I would go to the ER immediately.
Get checked. Get to the ER or to your physician if you continue to have symptoms