Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

I think I have defecation problems?

Hi, I've been severely constipated for all of my life. I eat the same diet as my brother and he poops every day. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: Do i list how long its been going on? 15 years i guess.
Medications: None
Conditions: Constipation, stool remaining inside body after defecation

2 Answers

Usually, you would start with diet changes such as increased fiber, fruits, and veggies. Then use over-the-counter laxatives like Miralax and Dulcolax. I don't know the specifics of how bad the constipation is but if the above does not help then see a pediatric gastroenterologist for further advice.
Yes. make an appointment with your doctor for evaluation and treatment.