Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Is it painful to get a facelift?

I want to get a facelift. Is it painful to get a facelift?

4 Answers

There is some discomfort with facelift surgery. It is generally very well tolerated, and most patients can be back to normal activities within 2-3 weeks.
Face-lift usually is not painful but tightness in the temporal area and behind the ears where the lifting sutures are placed. Many patients perceive that to be painful. Sometimes your surgeon might place a wrap around the face and head. The pressure of the wrap might cause pain on the ears.
Only the first day because of the bandages but after 24-48 hours there will be minimal discomfort.
Facelift is a very comfortable surgery. It is performed with a general anaesthetic and additional local anaesthetic. After surgery patients feel more numbness rather than pain but Tylenol can be taken as needed.