Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is massage good for a herniated disc?

I am a 46 year old female. I want to know if massage is good for a herniated disc?

7 Answers

Massage will not hurt a herniated disc. It will help to decrease the muscle tension. You should get a consultation with a chiropractor and possibly a neurosurgeon to see how bad the issue is.
Good for muscles that may be in spasm associated with hern disc
It won't hurt, but will probably feels good in the moment, but will not likely provide lasting benefit.
You should consult with an Orthopedist first about the severity of your condition.
Typically, massage is not recommended as first line treatment for disc herniations.
Massage can be helpful to relax a spasmed low back muscle which results from a disc herniation. Fixing the herniated disc will not be achieved through massage alone. Physical Therapy and Chiropractic are the best options for treating a herniated disc. Surgery should be a last resort.
Massage is safe for helping to relax the superficial muscles of the spine. However, a herniated disc is not a muscle issue, but a neurological one. So, the massage cannot address the herniated disc, which is very deep in the spinal column.