Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Ivermectin for covid?

I have a contact that will write 2 Rx for ivermectin for covid. They are unsure of how to write the Rx. My husband weighs 185 lbs. hx of high BP, high cholesterol. I weigh 124 lbs. hx low thyroid high cholesterol w statins. We’re otherwise healthy. I just need dosage Rx for each. It's difficult to find on internet.

Female | 71 years old

4 Answers

Ivermectin has not been demonstrated to be effective against COVID-19. That's why the FDA has not authorized the use of ivermectin for COVID-19. There have been cases of severe adverse effects in people who took ivermectin off-label for COVID-19. CDC and several Medical Societies have warned about the misinformation and potential harm when using ivermectin for prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19. Do not buy into this misinformation you are putting your health at risk.
Studies do not confirm that Ivermectin works for Covid. Doses tried range from a single dose up to 600mg or even 1200 mg per day for 5 days. I do not recommend it.
Thanks for the question.

Multiple anecdotal and retrospective studies have been done on the use of ivermectin in COVID-19. The results are inconclusive and meta analysis suggests there is no benefit to its use. Prospective studies are in progress but at this time infectious disease experts would not recommend the use of ivermectin for COVID.
I do not recommend ivermectin for covid-19