Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Long term Covid causing low BP?

About 2 weeks after the positive covid test (12/27) my BP dropped significantly. The neurologist and nephrologist diagnosed long term Covid. They prescribed midodrine (10mg 3x daily). My BP is still low (90/42) and my dizziness and wobbliness continue. How can I increase my BP?

Male | 82 years old
Complaint duration: 28 days and 2 mos
Medications: Midodrine, zetia, rovastatin ,
Conditions: low BP kidney disease

2 Answers

Special testing is required. EKG. Echocardiogram. Blood testing. Then therapy will be specific to the etiologies and pathophysiological changes. Midodrine is helpful and can benefit you. Other remedies aim at heart and inflammation.
Try to increase your salt intake and drink fluid, coffee️ ..Continue to use caution...
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