Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist

Losing fluids and taking kidney hits?

I have had 10 bowel resections and this one from 2017 won't kick in and retain mag potassium or fluids. They keep giving me too many fluids I think and bringing all my blood work numbers down. Can this happen? Then treat me like I'm wrong.

Female | 55 years old
Complaint duration: 2017
Medications: Weekly IV of both of them
Conditions: Low fluids and low magnesium.

4 Answers

Please discuss this with your treating specialists. This is short bowel syndrome as you are aware, and treatment may be difficult in most cases.
You should check with your surgeon how many feet of small bowel left after 10 bowel resection! You have short gut syndrome. Check with univ hospital regarding small bowel transplant.
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Yes, this is possible. You have to restrict your fluid intake by mouth.
Have you been officially diagnosed as having short bowel syndrome (SBS)? It seems that you have this diagnosis. Make sure you have a good dietician monitoring and adjusting your fluid needs. If you have SBS, then teduglutide is a nice drug that can help your intestines absorb more fluid and nutrients.