Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgeon

Mallet fracture?

I have a mallet fracture that I got 2 1/2 months ago, I’ve been wearing a double splint stack for 8 weeks. It healed wrong because while the tip of my pinky doesn’t droop anymore, the fracture is still there. I was wondering if I still need to wear the splint? Is it okay to start using my pinky normally even though the fracture is still there? It kinda hurts/ feels stuck when I try to bend the tip. I have an appointment with a surgeon, but it’s not for another few weeks.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 2 1/2 months

6 Answers

Fractures of the fingers usually heal very well without complications. Since she still have symptoms and concerns I would make it early appointment with the orthopedic doctor. Another x-ray or certainly another evaluation should be done!
I would wear the splint continuously until the appointment with the surgeon.
I recommend that you follow up with this question to the Orthopedic Physician that worked on your fractured finger. You can call that Doctor’s office and ask the Nurse this question. They will most likely tell you that they will need to check with the Doctor. Then, they should back with you with an answer. I hope this helps.
Consult PT/OT. Start Acupuncture with Moxibustion. Consult a hand surgeon or hand orthopedic doctor.
You should see an orthopedic.
I am glad that you have an appointment to see a surgeon because the recommended treatment really depends on your exam and the X-rays. If the x-ray still shows a fracture, I would recommend wearing the splint for another 2 weeks (a total of 3 months from injury).