Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Mental health issue?

I take quinapine, Propanolol, methotrexate, nortriptyline and folic acid. I went up to 200mg on Quinapine and had pretty bad side effects. I went back down to 100mg. Now I'm waking up most mornings in a state where the only thing I can do for 30-40 seconds is scream, not a loud scream but like a leaky balloon. WebMD seems to say that none of my drugs do that. I'm kinda at a loss. It only happens when I wake up. If I take a nap when I wake up same thing happens. I'm in my late 20's and around 6 feet and around 240lbs if any of that matters. All blood levels have looked fine I got them done last week.

Male | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: listed in body
Conditions: ethers danlos, ptsd, mdd, adhd, anxiety

1 Answer

Not sure where to go to help you with your question. That said, understanding what screaming is about may be useful: