Orthopaedic Surgery Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Partial forearm numbness?

I had major rotator cuff surgery repair 7 1/2 weeks ago. I had major tears in 3 of 4 of my rotator cuff muscles. The only one not affected was the Teres Minor. Since surgery, I have had numbness in the bottom portion of my lower arm from my wrist to my elbow. At first, they thought it could be from the sling, however, I have been doing stretching exercises for weeks and have not been in the sling for over 3 weeks. Is this normal?

Female | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 7 1/2 weeks
Medications: Hydrochlorthiazide
Conditions: none

2 Answers

You have nerve impingement. get a MRI.
Could be a nerve pinch. If it continues for another month would consider a nerve test.