Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Person hears voices and sees people not there?

My friend after breaking up with her boyfriend started hearing voices and seeing (him and others) who were not there. She claimed they had a trap door in my roof and were coming into my attic to steal her things. I tried everything I could to try and convince her to seek help and now she claims I am part of the conspiracy against her and claims she hears me talking to them about her. To the point that she calls me a liar and we fight badly everyday, she said she cannot live here like this and I told her then she should leave. She said she has no place to go and I said if you think I would lie and do what you are accusing me to do then I need you to go. She left yesterday and claims I threw her out on the street. I love and care about her but can no longer take her hallucinations and she claims I am gaslighting her asking her to get help. What can I do I worry for her safety?

Female | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Conditions: several she is not seeing a doctor for

3 Answers

This is very sad. As you assume, she is suffering (and, yes, she IS suffering) from an illness that causes paranoid delusions. And of course that belief system keeps her from getting help. She cannot be committed unless she tries to harm others or herself, so there is nothing you can do. Mostly, the condition worsens so eventually the police become involved. Then a mental health facility - and then, we hope, some help. You are wise to stay out of this situation which could turn hazardous for you.


Dr. Marian Shapiro
Not sure about the "gaslighting" suggestion? This person is likely psychotically depressed, that is severe depression can lead to psychosis. Your friend needs help getting to a mental health clinic so they can be assessed and treated properly. 
I wish you well.
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