Dentist Questions Dentist

Pocket in my gums

Hi. I have alot of gum pain in the back of mouth. Local dentist just told me it's because I have a pocket behind my wisdom tooth collecting food and that my gums are really inflamed all the way and up. She says to clean it well and if it keeps recurring I shud have my tooth extracted.
How can I clean it there being that no toothbrush fits over there and how can I be sure it's clean?

Female | 32 years old
Complaint duration: Comes and goes several weeks worse last 2 days
Medications: Non
Conditions: Non

7 Answers

Extract it
A home remedy is to request your dentist to give you a Monoject which is a disposable, reusable syringe with a tipped end. You can fill this with warm salt water or a mouthrinse and clean out this area yourself at home. It is correct that if it keeps occurring it is wise to have the wisdom tooth removed.
It would be hard to make a diagnosis by your words. Need to see the area clinically and a radiograph is needed. Furthermore, we tell our patients that , in general, not always, wisdom teeth are all the way in the back, they are difficult to clean , they are troublesome to the other teeth , so recommend to get them extracted. (There are exceptions !) / Hope this helps. Cheers !!
Are your wisdom teeth partially impacted?
It will be very hard for you to clean back there and you can't really be sure it's clean. You can close your mouth slightly to open up space next to your cheek. You can also try using a compact brush head to reach back there. Nevertheless getting the wisdom tooth removed looks like the most predictable solution from your description. If the gums back there are inflamed / swollen due to being very difficult to clean, it will affect the oral hygiene gums around the teeth in front of it as well.
The good solution is extraction if you are not able to clean it.You need to tell me the postion of the tooth ,upper right or left ,or bottom right or left.
There is small toothbrush called “ end tuff” that you can find in your pharmacy. But it is usually recommended to extract the tooth, because the problem will continue and aggravate with time.

Dr Lepage