Internal Medicine Questions Gastroenterologist

Possible hemorrhoids?

This morning after a bowel movement I notice for the first time something in my anus. Many years ago I had hemorrhoids. Maybe 25-30 years. Any comments or observations would be appreciated.

Male | 71 years old
Complaint duration: one day
Medications: lipitor/avapro/uric acid
Conditions: heaalthy

3 Answers

It seems like it might be a hemorrhoid but having a check up with a specialist is necessary
Bleeding from the anus could be anal cancer, hemorrhoids, rectal cancer, proctitis, to name a few. (I tell my patients that people ignore rectal bleeding thinking it is hemorrhoids and it could be something serious.) Please have a gastroenterologist evaluate you right away.
Yes, it could be a prolapsing hemorrhoid that you feel in the anal canal. See a colorectal surgeon or GI specialist.