OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Pregnancy and painkillers?

I’m 12 weeks pregnant and just got a second degree burn. I went to the hospital and they gave me Percocet and I did tell them I was pregnant. Should I be worried about the medication affecting my baby?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 10/31/21
Medications: Percocet
Conditions: Burn

2 Answers

Over a short time pain medication should not be harmful for your baby. But if you don't feel that you need it don't take it. Have you tried any non- narcotic pain killers? THey would be preferable.
What is the strength of the percocet? How many tablets were you given? How often are you taking them? Where was the burn and how big was it? Taken in the appropriate dosages and at the appropriate intervals, the medication itself is not dangerous for the baby except if you are taking too much or too often. As you know, opioids are powerful medications, but can be safely taken within a narrow window. Make sure your doctor knows your concerns about both you and the baby and ask him or her to be sure they are monitoring you properly.