Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Pressure in/around right eye - no changes in vision?

For the past week, I have been experiencing an odd pressure in/near my right eye. It's mostly behind my eye but I have an odd sensation above my eyebrow (numb? pressure? I don't know which is a better word to describe it) on the same side too. I did have some facial numbness (on the same side as well, the lower half) today, but that was when I was worrying myself about it. I have chronic migraines from my jaw pain (TMJ) and have had pressure behind my eyes before, but now it's particularly bothersome in the right. I have no changes in my vision whatsoever, and I checked my eye out in the mirror and didn't find anything odd. I don't have any other symptoms other than my usual chronic pain (which I believe to be rheumatoid arthritis due to the presence of EBV but my situation has made it hard to get a final diagnosis). I've also been under some stress. I'm currently having my insurance switched so it's probably going to be a while before I can see a doctor...How worried should I be about this? Is this something I should go to an urgent care clinic for despite being uninsured?

Female | 19 years old

2 Answers

You should see an ophthalmologist to check your eye pressures and gonioscopy to check the angles in both eyes, along with a careful neuro-ophthalmologic exam (fields, acuity, color, brightness, movements, lids, pupils, exophthalmometry, optic nerve). You might need an automated perimetry. If all is normal, try to get referred to a neurologist. Autoimmune issues are best addressed by a rheumatologist (a real one, not an EBV-touting quack). Do not ascribe too much importance to any EBV findings, correlation is not causation.

Joseph F. Barakeh, DO, PhD
It is hard to say what this might be. It sounds like a sinus infection or pressure based on that, but can’t rule out elevated eye pressure. If you treat your sinus problems and it is not better, check your eye pressure