Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

Should I go to the emergency room for blood in urine?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know if I should go to the emergency room for blood in urine?

4 Answers

Maybe!!! Most cases of visible blood in the urine are not emergencies. Although if you are having symptoms of light headaches, inability to urinate, or extreme pain, please see your doctor or urologist immediately. I recommend that you can go to an Urgent Care (UC) or Emergency Room (ER) establishment. So, they can do a complete work up to find the etiology of the bleeding. Thank you.
Hello. Yes you should seek medical help. There are many reasons for hematuria (blood in urine) which range from infections to cancer.
Please see a Urologist. This can be a tumor in the bladder or urinary tract or bad prostate.