Geriatrician | Geriatric Medicine Questions Geriatrician

Should those test results be considered valid?

The patient is 89 retired electronic engineer, a private pilot in good physical/mental condition. His chart says no morphine and the patient has claustrophobia. He had a double bypass +10 yrs ago but active and doing fine.

The patient went to the hospital for chest pains and wanted to make sure he was not having a stroke or heart attack. During the exam, he was given Ativan. He had a severe reaction (just like to Morphine and became confused, combative, not coherent). An hour later he was given cognitive tests which he completely failed. He couldn't even draw a clock. Should those test results be considered valid?

Male | 89 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Unknown but not many, didn't adapt to side effects well
Conditions: some osteoarthritis

1 Answer

No. Tests were done in context of Ativan adverse reaction.