Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Skin cancer?

Is this skin cancer on my scalp I’m a truck driver so trying to get in to see a doctor is hard. I recently noticed spots on my head like this. Mostly on the back left and right side. Hair broke off of it. It’s hard to take a good picture. It feels really scabby compare to the rest of my scalp and is slightly raised, it does not itch. I’m kind of worried now. I thought maybe I bumped my head and it scabbed over but now it’s been a little over a month and a half and it seems like it’s here to stay.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 15 days 1 month
Medications: None
Conditions: None so far

3 Answers

If they are brownish in color, or they could be seborrheic keratosis (google this, benign diagnosis). If they are reddish in color, they could be actinic keratoses (google this, sometimes oremaligna tdiagnosis).
Unlikely to be skin cancer at your age, but best to get checked by a medical practitioner to be safe.

Stephen Schleicher, MD
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Any non-healing bump should always be evaluated by a physician. You are young, but I have seen many skin cancers in patients as young as 18 years old.
Hope this helps.