Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Steroids and diabetes?

After receiving a steroid shot in my back to relieve back pain. How long can I expect my sugar levels to elevated?

Female | 71 years old
Medications: Propranolol, Nexium, Crestor, Tradjenta, Celebrex, Zestoretic, Lantus, Librax, Escitalopram
Conditions: Diabetic, tremors, & high blood pressure

2 Answers

The rise significantly the first week then taper off quickly for 3 weeks
First question, why is back pain treated with steroids (and other medications)? It only masks pain temporarily without "treating" anything (the source/cause of pain). All back pain comes from mechanical strain of muscle/fascia and must be mechanically released to cure pain, much like tangled hair must be combed to untangle it, but not with medication. There is no concern of blood sugar related to one injection of steroids to the spine.      
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