Cardiac Electrophysiologist Questions Cardiology

What activities to avoid with high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure. What activities to avoid with high blood pressure?

6 Answers

Good questions. The most important things to avoid in patients with hypertension (high BP) are things we ingest.. Sodium ,and food high in sodium content, is the number 1 offender . Na will cause elevated BP by several mechanisms , particularly effects on the renin - angiotensin-aldosterone feedback loop ,involving the kidneys. Also direct effects on the vascular endothelium occur and effects on the heart with increased wall stress / strain and the release of vasoactive hormones (BNP, vasopressin) . The last organ involved in sodium regulation and BP control, is the brain. The brain can auto regulate blood flow in times of shock and hypotension (low bp). Brain can cause vasoconstriction or dilatation via the autonomic nervous system and effect BP via hormones from the hypothalamus-pituitary gland- adrenal gland axis (negative feedback loop) . After sodium excess , the next offenders would also involve ingested of certain foods /products/ chemicals , such as alcohol, steroids and non steroidal anti-inflammatory meds(ibuprofen) . Steroids lead to sodium retention and change vascular tone. NSAIDS block prostaglandin effects on the afferent arterioles in the glomerulus of the nephrons , an additive effect to the negative impact of angiotensin on renal blood flow and perfusion. After the brain and heart, the kidneys have the next highest oxygen requirement, metabolic rate and the next highest percentage of the cardiac output auto- directed to its perfusion. These 3 organs, and the adrenal glands atop the kidneys , are the major players in BP control it goes without saying that foodstuffs and drugs that have deleterious effect on these organs will effect BP. Many effective BP meds achieve lowered bp by its effect on these organs. Some chemicals ( , cocaine/meth / diet pills/ adderal )cause intense vasoconstriction with elevated HR. But any prescription drug or health product can potentially effect BP by effecting the above mentioned organs. Along with sodium content, alcohol , medications and illicit drugs, nicotine has the effect of raising bp by vasoconstriction. Other causes of elevated BP include intense pain, illness , stress/anxiety , and , the most common cause of refractory hypertension, medical noncompliance. There can be secondary causes of elevated BP such as fbromuscular dysplasia, renal art stenosis, adrenal hyperplasia (conns syndrome) or nodules , neuroendocrine tumor ( pheochromocytomas of the pancreas) and pituitary adenomas ( Cushings disease) ., Obesity , untreated sleep apnea and sedintary lifestyle. Like many things , bp can be lowered in many by non medical treatment modalities. The Dash diet, weight loss,wearing cpap, abstinince from alcohol tobacco and illicit drugs. Intervention or surgery for secondary causes. Aerobic exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 x week with mod intensity will lower bp by 10 mmhg. and medical compliance when meds are required to get to goal bp of less than 130/80. Ideal is 120/80. Stage 2 is >140/90. Because of long term deleterious effect of chronic hypertension on the cardiovascular system (MI,CHF, CVA), guidelines were changed and goals lowered in 2017. After all , Hypertension is the most common disease in this country (116 mil), so the greatest benefit on the population can be achieved by optimization.
Exercise exercise exercise
Heavy weight lifting until the blood pressure is under control. Best Regards, David Dobies MD
Running, spin class, anything that elevates heart rate.
Blood pressure 1st needs to be treated properly with medication although diet and exercise helps. To avoid blood pressure we recommend healthy diet and exercise... We recommend lots of normal water intake less caffeine less salt While eating a low fat and sensible carb diet. Once you get blood pressure though you need the medications in addition to those things. There's no real activity to avoid with high blood pressure history Although it's best that the medication's on board so your blood pressure is controlled While exercising so it doesn't go any higher. That being said sometimes people who are on Beta blockers like metoprolol Might have some symptoms With aerobic activity And might need to go a little slower pace. But there really are no limits placed on people with blood pressure with respect to Exercise Especially if they're already well treated and have no other concerns.
Consult with your PCP.